And time just continues to speed right along. Lincoln had his 4 month check up this week. He is 14 lbs 4 oz (50%) and 25 1/4 inches long (75%). Just for fun, I checked the stats on both Xavier and Dax to see how Lincoln compares. Xavier was 17 lbs 8 oz and Dax was 16 lbs 12 oz and they were both 26 3/4 inches....so our Doodle is just a bit smaller than they were. Although the only real difference I can see is that Linc's legs are not as full as the other boys were. He had to have 2 shots at the appt. and I could not believe that he didn't cry on the first shot at all and hardly cried at all on the second one that the nurse said would sting. He is going to be my tough boy and that is probably a good thing since he has 2 older brothers!

He really putting his hands and other toys in his mouth and is starting to drool. He is not sleeping through the night yet much to my dismay. I think it is time for some "tough love"! He also has forgotten how to take a bottle so we are trying to re-train him on that so Steve and I can go on a much needed date without him in tow!

Who could not love that face??

Bald IS beautiful:)
*Thanks Jenna for the cute hat!