Saturday, February 7, 2009

Is there a Dr. in the house?

Xavier has been asking for weeks for an OR mask. Steve finally remembered to bring a mask and a bonnet home as a surprise for the boys. Steve was so proud to have remembered. Xavier put his on right away and then asked “Where are the rest of the Dr. clothes?” Dax was less than thrilled to even have it on. Steve was “deflated” and was wondering why he even bothered? I do think that Xavier looked cute though!

A funny conversation we have with Xavier goes something like this:

Xavier do you know any doctors?

Yes, I do! Dr. Conrad (Dax’s ENT when he was having his ear problems), Dr. Coleman (the boy’s ped. in Maysville) and Dr. Parrot (the boys current ped.)

Do you know any other doctors?

Xavier thinks for a moment…you can just see the wheels turning… No, I don’t. That’s it!

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