Me: "Don't you want to go back to hitting the ball off the t? You are really getting good at that. You may not be able to hit the ball while I pitch".
X: "Well then I will just keep practicing and practicing until I can hit it"!
Well said little one! Shame on me for suggesting that you stop something just because you can't do it very well!! What was I thinking???
And so I pitched and pitched and then pitched some more. I think Xavier hit it about 4 times in all. But he DID hit it and boy was he proud when he too!
I took some pictures as he was batting and throwing the ball. It was only after I got them off the camera that I noticed the look of determination in his face. Just as I thought that all the learning would be on Xavier's part as we went outside in the backyard.... I got a little "schooling" of my own FROM my 4 year old. Never underestimate the power of determination!
Way to stick with it Xavier! :)