Tuesday, March 24, 2009

my little picassos

The boys were outside the other day enjoying one of the beautiful and warm spring days that we had. They each had new sidewalk chalk (thanks Grandma for 2!) and were very excited to get busy!

Can you guess who this is???

It is me! I asked Xavier if that line above my head was my arm and he looked at me
(with a slight look of disgust) and said "No, Mom that is your ponytail...can't you see the rubber band"? I guess that little circle at the end of the line is my signature hairstyle...how observant!

The boys are also into watercolor paints these days. Here is their latest work.


  1. Melanie-
    Great blogging! You're my inspiration. So fun to read:)

  2. Great watercolors! Wow!

    Cracking up on your "portrait" and the explanation you got.
