Monday, September 14, 2009

1st real soccer game

on a real team, with a real coach. At least that is what Xavier talks about all the time- that it is real! Xavier got to kickoff to start the game...I don't even know what it is called when you kickoff but he probably volunteered to do it!

There is real our soccer player....#6, bright blue shorts. 036 re

Sorry about the picture quality here. I was excited and maybe just a bit nervous that I really wasn't paying attention to my camera settings until it was too late.

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Waving to his "fans."

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Going through the "tunnel" at the end.

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More than once he or his teammates were kicking the ball the wrong way on the field. It was comical to watch! It seemed as if Xavier was waiting for the ball to come to him and would not get in there to get the ball. We asked him about not getting in there after the game. The conversation went something like this:

Steve: Buddy, did you have fun at your first game?
X: Yes!
Steve: It kind of seemed like you were waiting for the ball to come to you. You know that you can get in there and get the ball away from the other team.
X: Well, that that would be rude.
Steve: It is OK in the game of soccer to do that you are supposed to do that...
X: Ohhhh.

Here Xavier is modeling his team shirt in his favorite color:)

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Even though I think that he only moderately understands the game, he really had a lot of fun and that is all that matters anyway:)


  1. That boy is so cute--"That would be rude." He seems so grown up playing "real" soccer.

  2. How adorable is he. I love conversations like that and good for you for documenting it! Adorable!!! Thanks for sharing!
